Who are we?

Joris Marjot

 Studied at the Ecole de Peinture Superieur Van Der Keelen Logelain in Brussels, Which provides one of the best master degrees in the world of painting and decorating. He graduated in 1986 with a silver medal. Since then, he worked as a decorative artist in the Netherlands, England, Belgium, Germany and Sweden, until finally settling in Spain in 1993.

 Like many artists Joris settled on the Costa del Sol because of the light. The light there is so vivent and it reflects in the houses and gives more freedom of design and colours. At the heart of his decorative art are the classic techniques that have been used for hundreds of years, the skill is adapting them to create any style from any period including contemporary and modern designs.

Beautiful World Designs S.L

The company raised by Joris Marjot is a small company with highly skilled decorators, painters and restorers.

The company has decorated a great quantity of very luxurious villas, apartments, shops, restaurants, hotels and even various Hindu temples. It has a great assortment of decorative techniques such as: Marbleizing, wood graining, glazing, ageing, colour washes, various stucco effects, Moroccan tadelakt, stencilling, restoring, gold and silver leaving, lime stone techniques murals, frescos, tromp l'oeil etc.
To understand our clients we  speak not only the language of decorating and designing but also: English, Spanish, Dutch, French and German.